What you may or may not know about - Chocolate 1/3

Watch Chocolate 1/3 here

Video Sources Used

Making Chocolate: Cacao Tree To Chocolate Bar
Difference Between Cacao & Cocoa?
Growing & Harvesting Cacao - Episode 9 - Craft Chocolate TV
How Chocolate is Made
How Miami’s Chocolate Master Creates the Perfect Bar of Chocolate — Handmade
Making Chocolate from Fresh Cacao Pods
Cocoa POD to CHOCOLATE Bar - How to Make A DIY Bean-to-Chocolate Bar at Home
11 Health Benefits of Chocolate
Doctor says: Eat chocolate, EVERY DAY
Rotten (Season 2 - Bitter Chocolate)

Written Sources Used

Cocoa Production Statistics
Beanz meanz money!
The discovery of Cocoa by the Olmecs
Chocolate’s Sweet History: From Elite Treat to Food for the Masses
A Brief History of Chocolate
The Early Introduction of Cocoa to West Africa
Overview on Cocoa Production in Africa: Key Facts and what the Figures say
A Brief History of Chocolate
The Bittersweet History of Chocolate
History of Chocolate
The production of chocolate
History Of Chocolate
Britannica - Cocoa: Food
Britannica - Cacao: Tree
About the Cacao Tree 1
About the Cacao Tree 2
TheChocPro | Cacao Tree Species
Overview Chocolate Trees: All About Theobroma Cacao
Aduna - The Cacao Tree
Varieties of Cocoa Beans
How much chocolate would you have to eat for it to kill you?
Question: What Animals Is Chocolate Poisonous To?
What is chocolate toxicity?
Chocolate as Sunscreen
Researchers say chocolate triggers feel-good chemicals
What Is Ceremonial Cacao & What Makes It “Ceremonial”?
What Is Cacao Ceremony?
Cacao Ceremonies: A Sip-By-Sip Guide To This Heart-Opening Practice
Chocolate, “Food of the Gods”: History, Science, and Human Health
Can Chocolate Give Me a Happy-high?
Cannabinoid mimics in chocolate utilized as an argument in court
Chocolate, Cannabinoids, and the Brain
Chocolate 'fights' tooth decay
Chocolate Constituent Bests Fluoride
Trick or treat from food endocannabinoids?
Can Chocolate Fight Diabetes, Too?
Cocoa compound increases brain blood flow
Prescription Strength Chocolate, Revisited
8 unbelievable facts about the $103 billion chocolate industry

Images Used

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